River recovered or “sinker pine” is milled from timber that was lost during log drives – submerged in rivers or lakes, often for over a century, where they were preserved without oxygen, slowly absorbing the minerals of the underwater environment. Sourced from the same old growth trees as the industrial timbers, sinker pine can be cut to the same specified grade – from vertical to select – as reclaimed woods, and is most often specified for flooring. 











3 - 14'

Color and Surface

Longleaf Pine (Sinker grade) is characterized by the same exceptional density, heartwood content and striking uneven grain as old growth longleaf. But there are at least two distinguishing qualities. It is free stress crack, nail holes and other signs of history in an industrial building. And it has developed more neutral mineralized tones, sometimes moderately deepened, like veins that run through rock formations. 


Nature and Culture

In early logging operations, freshly cut timber was often floated in log drives or rafts from river banks to the holding booms at the sawmill. A not insignificant number of logs got snagged on fallen limbs, rocks, shallow river beds or any other impediment along the way. Inevitably the logs sunk, and remained preserved in the waters without oxygen; the wood fibers absorbing the cool mineralized waters, and developing accented shades of light to charcoal grey in the process.  

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