Work continues under Armster Reclaimed Lumber Co. with five employees. The first version of the Rockaway Wrecker proves too soft, using soft steel that bent under the stress of dense tropical hardwoods screwed with three inch bolts to the sub-structure. The boards are then piled in about forty piece lots on pallets along the boardwalk, waiting to be moved by a pallet jack to another area where they will be loaded into containers. The process seems to work best with two people prying up boards together on opposite sides. The work was difficult, even for people used to physical labor, as it used new muscles. Plywood was placed across areas where joists were removed to provide a stable surface for workers. The beach was quiet except for the occasional dog walker, with the beautiful views – the ocean going to the horizon with southern Long Island seen in the distance. The sea gulls were frequent, but the piping plover must have migrated for the winter. plenty of litter under the boardwalk – an intimate but rank type of housing, the beaches version of a cellar.