NYC Design

R951 – Passive House is in the details

r951_blogcollageVisitors to R951 (951 Pacific St., Brooklyn) may not see much difference from other new developments. That’s among it’s wonders – one of the first Passive House and net zero capable condo projects in the city. It’s designed and built by Castrucci Architect, a Lower East Side hothouse of Passive House work. At a recent opening, architects from across the city lined up for a first hand look at it’s PH details and cutting edge materials and design. Radical energy efficiency doesn’t require Buckminster Fuller type forms, or to feel like an Adirondack hunting lodge in winter or high cost premiums, hopefully good signs for the built and natural environment. More details at Inhabitat.


feature-wood1NYC Design Week 2013 brought together city hall and design leaders to broaden the reach of the event. The design community has already been laying the groundwork, with shows happenings at multiple locations across lower Manhattan. This year brought strong promotion and branding. They chose the “X” logo – a potent symbol of collaboration in NYC, where people, material and culture can multiply into great design. The branding for NYC X Design may have even picked up on the ‘X’ from last years 12 X 12. It’s hoped that public support and interest in NYC X Design will continue to multiply over time.